I Used To Be A Prostitute, I Am Afraid My Fiance Will Find Out My Bad Past - Confused Lady

Dear readers,

I am a girl with a bad past. I was a prostitute for two years just to be able to pay my rent. I had no choice at all. I tried looking for a job but found nothing and I was to be kicked onto the streets.
My brother’s friend said he would pay to have me in his bed. Out of desperation, I asked how much and slept with him.
That was how the problem started. My brother found out after a while and has cut me off his life. 

My problem now is that I have met this really wonderful guy from another town and he knows nothing about my past. If I tell him he would leave me for sure. I want to be loved.
I am scared if I don’t tell him someone else will. I don’t want to lie and I don’t want to lose him. I feel like he is the one. What should I do?

Anonymous worried woman.
