Three persons reportedly lost their lives, Friday, during a fierce gun battle between Joint security forces and hoodlums in Obagi axis of Egi community, Ogba Egbema Ndoni local government area. Meantime spokesman, Port Harcourt army barracks, Captain Lazarus Eli confirmed the death of one, saying he was a member of the Joint Forces. According to him, the encounter was between a combined security patrol team made up of the Police, Department of State Services, DSS and the Army, adding one of them whose identity he did not disclosed lost his life in the clash. He said a reinforcement team had since been sent to the area, adding that calm had returned. File: Soldiers… ” A joint security team consisting of the army, police and DSS while on conducting patrol today at Egi in Omoku Community of Ogba/Ndoni/Egbema Local Government Area of Rivers State were attacked by unknown gunmen. The criminals engaged the security team for several hours before they were eventually dislodged. Sadly, a security agent lost his life in the unfortunate incident. Reinforcement has been sent to beef up security in the area and normalcy has been restored. The public is hereby advised to remain calm and be law abiding throughout the election period and beyond as security agents will continue to work assiduously to ensure security of lives and property.” Meantime community sources said as the hoodlums were retreating about two other persons were fell by their bullets. ” I am aware they killed one innocent person and two others. The story will be clearer by tomorrow (today) because all of us have been indoor since the incident “, they said.
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