A woman using ATM
Using the ATM may be a daily occurrence, but that doesn’t mean we should become rude when we use them. Here are some guidelines to help you use an Automated Teller Machine with grace, artistry and self-awareness
Don’t take too much time
One of the most important things to remember is that when you use a cash machine, don’t take up too much time. Have your card ready and waiting to be used, and if you must use more than one card, have that card ready too. Searching around in your bag for the appropriate card takes up a lot of time, and tries the patience of everyone who’s waiting behind you in the queue.
Be courteous
Because everyone has to use the ATM, you need to keep your eyes on any changes to the machine – especially if it looks like it has been tampered with in some way. However, the second most important thing to do is if the machine runs out of money, and there is a queue of people waiting behind you, tell them that the machine needs to be refilled. This is a case of simple courtesy, as there is nothing more upsetting than waiting for a while to use the ATM, only to find out that the person in front of you got the last of the cash, and didn’t tell you. We all have to use cash machines, so why not be as considerate to other users as possible, and let them know if the machine isn’t working.
Secured transaction
It is an unfortunate fact of life that when we use a cash machine to withdraw money from a bank account, we are slightly vulnerable to having our money stolen. This means that by using a cash machine, we are more attractive to thieves. However, there are many ways to stop this from happening. When using a cash machine, make sure that you are aware of your surroundings; take your card as soon as the machine instructs you to, and don’t leave the machine until you have your card, cash and your wallet safely in your bag or in your pocket. If this means taking up extra time at the machine, don’t worry. This is about your personal safety so, take your time until you feel comfortable.
Respect personal space
When you use an ATM, you will be in a confined space; so it’s important for you to feel comfortable and safe. However, there are
ATM users on a queue
some people that have no notion of personal space, or simply aren’t aware that they are standing too close to others. This is especially true in queues for the ATM, so if you’re standing in line, or especially if you’re using the machine, don’t be afraid to ask the person behind you to step back while you use the machine. When you ask, be polite, be courteous, and remind that person that you need to have your personal space when you are using the ATM.
Keep it simple
If you need to carry out major transactions, go inside the banking hall. While ATMs can deposit checks, let you transfer money, and are for fast transactions, be considerate of other people waiting to use the machine. If you have complicated or multiple transactions, take care of them at a time of the day when people are less likely to be waiting in line to use the ATM. Limit your transactions to two at a time.
Make it quick
When you visit the ATM, keep your transaction simple, but also make it quick. Do not waste time in front of the machine trying to decide if you need a receipt or not. If you choose to get a receipt, grab it and leave. You do not have to file it away neatly in your purse or wallet while people are waiting behind you. You can do that once you have walked away from the machine.
Do not multitask
While making transactions at the ATM, concentrate on the task at hand and try not to multitask. Some people are in the habit of taking phone calls or having a conversation with others at this point. This could cause distractions or let you make mistakes. Use the ATM only for the purposes they are meant for.
Don’t talk too much
When you are waiting in the queue with others, it is wrong to assume that everyone in the queue wants to chat. Respect people’s privacy and keep quiet if they decline your offer for a chat. If you are eventually successful in striking up a conversation with someone in the queue, make it brief and do not prolong it.
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