Can A Wife Be Envious Of Her Husband's Success

I know a lady whose husband was promoted as a
project manager in an oil and gas company in
Canada. The guy called us to come and
celebrate with him because within two months of
landing in Canada he got a job in the company
that promoted him within 6 months of working
with them. The wife on the other hand has been
in Canada for 5 years. She initially came to study
for her masters. When she finished her studies,
she tried to get her permanent residency through
Canadian Experience but she was told she did
not have enough experience. She was advised to
do menial jobs in order to get her papers, which
she did. She got her papers through that avenue.
She tried getting a job in her field but she has
not gotten any yet only data entry or customer
service jobs. She brought the husband to Canada
and within 2 months of coming to Canada the
guy got a job.
On the day of the celebration, she was
complaining bitterly. She compared herself to
her husband saying the guy does not even have
masters. This surprised me. Can a wife be
envious of her husband?
