1. Never Approach a Lady, Inform Your Pastor
Hmmmmmmm !! I can bet a million dollars that
most youths will never find this kind of sermon
interesting especially when a pastor condemn the
idea of making your intentions known to a lady.
They expect you to inform them about it and
they would do that on your behalf
2. Never Allow A Male/Female Visitor Into Your
This one is a serious case. As a youth, I think
the possibility of not allowing female visitors into
your room or hostel at the expense of your
salvation is next to nill.. I think most youths
(students) will most likely turn deaf ears to this
kind of sermon
3. Never Ask Questions Inside The Hall
We don't need a philosopher to tell us that an
average student would like to communicate with
friends during an exam. Hence, when a preacher
preaches against communicating with other
students even when their booklets are blank, they
start looking as if you really want them to fall
.. I guess an average student will most likely
find this kind of sermon uninteresting
4. Pay Your Tithe Regularly Even When You Are
In School
I must confess, this is a serious case. We once
had this kind of sermon in my fellowship and you
need to see the way discomfort and sadness
was registered on the faces of virtually all the
students ( you see them asking questions here
and there )
5. Never Visit Your Fiance When He's Alone
I have listened to a sermon when the preacher
condemned going to visit your future partner
when he's alone in the house.. The ladies were
advised to take their female friends along with
them or not go at all. ( Discomfort was
registered on the faces of most of ladies during
the sermon )
6. Application Of Attachments & Make-Up Is A
It takes the grace of God for a young lady to do
without apply make-up (even the born again
ones ). Ladies apply make-up by one way or the
other,either consciously or unconsciously. They
tend to start feeling uncomfortable when a
preacher condemns the act
7. Fornication
We all know we are now in an era where sex
seems to be the talk of the day.. An average
youth is most likely to fornicate (does that sound
stranger to you ? It shouldn't be 'cos it takes the
grace of God to overcome fornication as a
youth) Therefore, the probability that they would
find this kind of sermon uninteresting is on d
high side
( Some of them will start looking as if their ships
just sank )
8. Don't Ever Date Until You Are Ready For
Most preachers preach against having a girlfriend
or boyfriend not until you are ready for marriage.
Youths of 21st century will never want to hear
this. I guess it takes 5 out of 100 youths to do
9. Stop Chatting On Social Networks
Social media has changed
everything and every youth is
under scrutiny. Youths will likely turn deaf ears to
a sermon that has to do with condemnation of
facebooking, 2go-ing and whatsapp-ing at the
expense of salvation.
10. Never Reduce Your Age For Employment
Most youths reduce their age for employment
purpose so they tend to start finding the sermon
uninteresting when they know that using their
real age might lower their chances of being
Feel free to add yours
Happy Sunday
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