I am not saying this happens with all women, but the truth is there are some women out there who have developed a knack for putting down their men.
I was aware that some women appeared to instinctively desire to tear men down. This was primarily due to the frequent belittling I saw wives and girlfriends meting out to their husbands and boyfriends at times.
It is still disturbing to hear the way in which some women who had barely lifted a finger in years to support themselves regularly attempted to put down the very men who paid their bills . It didn’t matter if the man’s accomplishment was in business, employment or any means. it was quite normal for the woman in his life to belittle it at every opportunity telling him he is noting or not doing enough.
Well, you can say it goes both ways .Its true Men and women each criticize one another but from what I have heard it’s more common in women.
Do you think Some women criticize to hurt their men because they feel hurt and underappreciated ?.Or are they actually trying to help their man? Also, do some women who also mean well and support their husband still guilty at times of putting them down in the process?
Do men feel they are trying to help but maybe the way they usually come across may not sound very helpful? Does it have anything to do with the man’s societal status as well?
I have heard guys talk about how they are harassed or continuously put down by their wives. Is it true they accuse them of not doing enough or not doing as much as they should be doing? Some go to the extent of comparing their husband with their friend’s husband.
I heard its worst sometimes if the woman earns more than her man. But does it give her the right to still talk to him anyhow?
Perhaps, it is not always about money or career; but the truth is that a lot of these is happening in the society these days. A lot of men find it difficult to express their views publicly because they feel they have an iron woman who is always ready to mouth them off.
Feminists would tell you that the world has changed, and things are no longer the way they used to be. They all want you to know that submission is different from what it used to be, and a woman should be free to express herself anyhow she wants too? So what do you make of this?
Do they do it knowingly or is it out of frustration that they wish things and finances could be better
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