During my second year in the university, a
guy named Kunzu in my compound had a
Dog pet named 'Mad,' he trained it soo well
that the Dog understands virtually all dog
commands and even some human codes.
Mad can roll balls, spread mat on the floor
(to lie on it), and the best of it all, Mad
always digs the earth to defeacate and
covers it afterwards. It was amazing and
awesome to behold MAD do all those tricks.
Kunzu became soo obsessed with his dog,
that he began to teach the dogs crazy things
e.g: running after 'beautiful' ladies just to
make them soo scared (kunzu will order the
dog back after he's done laughing). Even
though Mad never bites anyone, the harm he
caused soo many ladies made the dog
became notorious in our hood. We started
calling the dog "Mad Dog."
Kunzu graduated from teaching the canine
how to chase and scare off ladies to teaching
him how to steal stuffs and brings same to
him (kunzu). Mad Dog started stealing stuffs
from us; He also stole things on many
occassions from Aminu, Our gate keeper who
had a little kiosk that services our compound
and the neighbourhood.
There was a time (if na lie, make I quench) I
witnessed mad-dog steal a jean baggy short
that was hung outside to dry; He took the
same short to kunzu and till today, kunzu
never returned the short to the owner.
To cut the story, The Dog was eventually
lynched by our compound mates. It was a
horrible sight to behold. The dog was
sedated, tied, beaten with sticks and rods
and was burnt with petrol while it was still
alive. Kunzu wasn't aware as he was off to
town for his weekend leaving the Dog behind.
A once intelligent, cute and nice dog later
became the notorious and merciless Mad-
Dog. If your Dog has the extra ability to
perform some wonderful tasks, please never
abuse those abilities else, your Dog (or any
other pet for that matter) may end up the way
of Mad Dog. I've also seen some hausa guys
(no offence pls) sent their monkey pets to
steal monies, fruits and any other things from
passers-by; Pets are not to be turned to
thieves. Never abuse the right of your pets
and Never turn your pet to an illegal money
spinner. Be wise!
This is a true life story and it all happened in
Gwagwalada, Abuja.